Spear Stats!
As you all know R6L Ladder has been down and in a recovery mode. Unfortunately, when we purchased the addon the creator of Tournamatch had to leave due to life issues. Tournamatch ran into a different route with Esports gaming. Which no longer catered to Rogue Spear. Over the years we have made multiple changes to the ladder and continued to look up. However our copy of tournamatch was still linked to their system through an api. We could continue to add bandaids to our system but it surely isn’t in the best interest for our wallets and time.
With that being said, its been over 3 years R6L Ladder and we are passing the torch off to the one we use everytime we play, Spear Stats! Spear stats will be running the main ladder, R6L staff and everyone in place currently will managing and monitoring SpearStats. NSKY was very welcoming and has spent many many hours on his site to update it and make functions for everything we will need. If there are options not yet available please be patient as he is working on many things.
Spearstats is available now for the holidays to create your teams, join the ladder and start matching! Make sure to turn on stats as you play, as this will all eventually migrate even further!
Merry Christmas and Happy new year! Hope everyone gets to enjoy family and friends during this time!